Many people believe that taking a multivitamin supplement to get their nutrients is just as good as eating whole foods. They are unaware that getting vitamins and minerals from natural foods and juices is far superior. Our bodies use vitamins and minerals from whole foods more effectively. And most people find it much easier to choose a variety of whole foods they enjoy eating rather than trying to make sense of the vast array of vitamin and mineral supplements available. And anyone who has taken a multivitamin or a mineral supplement knows that the taste leaves a lot to be desired.
Supplements are also difficult for our bodies to digest and utilize, making it difficult to get the full benefit of the vitamins and minerals they contain. Conversely, consuming a large amount of nutrient-dense food to obtain the equivalent means that the nutrients will be easier for the body to process and utilize, and will be less likely to be wasted. When we get nutrients from food instead of the 'one a day' approach, we are also processing them throughout the day.
Many supplements on the market today use fillers and binders to keep them together, as well as coatings on the tablets themselves. These are items that the body does not require and will not use. Some people develop allergies to the dyes and fillers found in vitamin pills. The fiber that binds fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, is used by the body. The "skin" of a vegetable, such as the potato, is often the most nutritious part. Furthermore, vitamin and mineral supplements can sometimes upset our stomachs, making them even more difficult to take the next day. Combining supplements, in many cases, can reduce their effectiveness and cause stomach upset when dealing with the taste and smell of some supplements. A variety of fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, enhance the flavor of a nutritious meal and their fiber aids digestion.
Eating fresh food is essential to a weight loss plan if you want to lose weight. In addition, eating fresh fruits and vegetables keeps hair, skin, and teeth looking and feeling good. And, come to think of it, fruits and vegetables are the original 'to go' foods. It's easy to grab an orange, apple, banana, or grapes, or toss a few vegetables together for a quick salad to take to work.
So, if you want well-balanced, healthy, and consistent nutrition, avoid the bottle. Go for the food!
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