Monday, January 30, 2023

Superfoods for Healthy Bones

The main cause of osteoporosis is the consumption of highly acidic foods, such as refined white sugar, refined white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks, cookies, candies, sweets, desserts, and anything containing sweeteners. To counteract this, the body seeks out any calcium and magnesium it can find and releases it into the bloodstream in an attempt to maintain a healthy pH level. To avoid losing bone mass, superfoods such as broccoli, cabbage, celery, and other dark green leafy vegetables should be obtained from healthy sources such as organic, plant-based vitamins. Sprouts are another fantastic superfood option.

Many people believe that a lack of calcium in their diet is the primary cause of osteoporosis. However, calcium is only a minor component of the overall picture. While calcium supplements can be beneficial, there are other dietary issues to consider.

The main dietary cause of osteoporosis is the consumption of highly acidic foods, such as refined white sugar, refined white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks, cookies, candies, sweets, desserts, and anything containing sweeteners. When these products are consumed in excess, the pH level in your blood becomes extremely acidic. To counteract this, your body seeks out any calcium and magnesium it can find and releases it into your bloodstream in an attempt to maintain a healthy pH level.

As a result, every soft drink, candy, cake, and goodie you consume depletes the bone density of your skeleton. The calcium and magnesium that your body gathers in an attempt to counteract the acidic environment is passed through your kidneys, where it can contribute to kidney stones, and then exits your body through your urine. Simply avoid consuming any white flour, processed sugars, added sugars, soft drinks, sweets, candies, breads, or any other ingredients made with refined carbohydrates to avoid losing bone mass.

Furthermore, superfoods such as broccoli, cabbage, celery, and other dark green leafy vegetables help maintain a healthy pH balance. Calcium and magnesium should be obtained from healthy sources such as organic, plant-based vitamins. You should also include various sea vegetables in your diet because they are naturally alkaline. These include seaweed, kelp, and a variety of others. Sprouts are another fantastic superfood option.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Superfoods for Flu Prevention

Superfoods for Flu Prevention include black currants, pork, Brussels sprouts, and orange juice. Black currants contain three times the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which aids in the prevention of infections and the maintenance of a healthy immune system. Pork contains zinc and selenium, and Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, folate, and vitamin C. Replace orange juice with grapefruit juice in the morning for a vitamin C-rich drink that is both sweet and tart. Yogurt with live cultures has a positive effect on the GI tract, boosting anticarcinogenic glucosinolates, and potatoes are an affordable source of vitamin C. Whole wheat pasta is an essential part of a healthy diet that supports the immune system.

Flu outbreaks account for millions of lost hours at work and home each year, not to mention many miserable days spent trying to recover. If you're wondering what you can do to naturally boost your immunity and prepare your body's defenses, look at your diet and make the necessary changes to ensure everyone is eating a well-balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, low-fat proteins, and complex carbohydrates.

Black currants contain approximately three times the recommended daily intake for adults, making them even more vitamin C dense than oranges. It is critical to consume adequate amounts of vitamin C because it aids in the prevention of infections and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.

Pork contains a lot of zinc and selenium, which are both good for your immune system. It's also high in B vitamins and contains only slightly more total fat than beef. So include plenty of pork entrees in your menu planning.

Replace orange juice with grapefruit juice in the morning for a vitamin C-rich drink that is both sweet and tart. However, if you are taking medications for high blood pressure, AIDS, anxiety, or hay fever, you should consult your doctor first, as grapefruit juice can cause dangerous toxicity.

Brussel sprouts are an excellent source of vitamin C, are high in fiber, and are high in folate. They boost anticarcinogenic glucosinolates, which are important cancer fighters. They're a great way to add a lot of fl-busting nutrients to a stew.

Yogurt with live cultures has a positive effect on your GI tract, which helps the body purge germs from the body more quickly and effectively, as well as fight the flu. You want your yogurt to have the active culture L. acidophilus, which helps fight yeast infections.

Potatoes are one of the most affordable sources of vitamin C, and their high levels of potassium and fiber complement any entrée nicely. The skin has the most fiber, while the flesh just beneath the skin has the most vitamin C. The best source of vitamin C is fresh potatoes. Be mindful of how you prepare them, as soaking them in water depletes them of their germ-fighting vitamin C.

Niacin, fiber, and iron are all found in whole wheat pasta. Its complex carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy diet that supports your immune system. Simply replace traditional pasta with whole wheat pasta in recipes for a delicious and nutritious twist on your favorite pasta dishes.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Superfoods for Rejuvenation of the Body, Mind, and Spirit

Superfoods for rejuvenation include fresh fruit, niacin, potassium, beta carotene, and vitamin A, as well as dried apricots and almonds, which contain vitamin A, iron, protein, and fiber. These foods help maintain an even energy level and regulate blood sugar levels. Apricots are low in cholesterol and sodium, and apricots contain vitamin A, which helps with vision, bone growth, and reproduction. Raisins are a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-sodium snack that contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, and iron. Baby carrots and sesame sticks are high in beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin B6.

Peanut butter on whole grain crackers is high in protein, iron, niacin, and fiber, and celery is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Low-fat string cheese is a good source of protein and calcium on the go.

When the goal is to rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit, smaller, more frequent snacks and meals should be used. This will help you maintain an even energy level and regulate your blood sugar levels to avoid spikes and dips. When you choose the right combination of foods, your body receives the much-needed boost it requires to sustain itself properly, even during those afternoon slumps. So, instead of reaching for high-sugar junk foods, try the following to get that needed boost.

Any fresh fruit, especially those with skins or seeds, such as peaches, apples, pears, oranges, and strawberries, is high in vitamins and fiber. In the summer, a peach provides plenty of dietary fiber, niacin (vitamin B3), potassium, beta carotene, and vitamin A, as well as high levels of vitamin C. Niacin is essential for supplying energy for cell tissue growth. Along with regulating fluid balance, potassium contributes to the electrical stability of your heart and nervous system cells and is necessary for cell and muscle growth. Vitamin B12 aids in the formation of red blood cells, nerve function, and the metabolism of protein and fat.

The combination of dried apricots and almonds contains a lot of vitamin A, iron, protein, and fiber. Both foods are low in cholesterol and sodium, and apricots are high in potassium, which helps regulate your body's fluid balance. Apricots contain vitamin A, which helps with vision, bone growth, and reproduction, as well as fighting infection.

Raisins are a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-sodium snack that contains significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus, copper, and iron. When combined with low-fat yogurt, you also get riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B12, as well as a high amount of calcium, which is required not only for strong bones and teeth but also for normal heart and muscle function.

Baby carrots and sesame sticks are a delicious snack that is high in beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, copper, and fiber. Beta carotene protects against diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers.

Vitamin A is necessary for healthy skin, improved night vision, and the prevention of infection and respiratory ailments. Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is essential to human life, as it aids in the formation of red blood cells, the breakdown of proteins, and cell growth and division.

Peanut butter on whole grain crackers is high in protein, iron, niacin, and fiber. Peanut butter on celery is a classic snack with a long shelf life, and celery is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Low-fat string cheese is a good source of protein and calcium on the go. They come in individual servings that are easy to transport, and you can add a piece of fresh fruit for extra fiber.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Superfoods for your Brain

Superfoods for the mind include blueberries, avocados, salmon, nuts and seeds, whole-grain breads, brown rice, and oatmeal. Blueberries have been shown to protect the brain against stress, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease, while avocados contribute to healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure. Salmon is high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are necessary for proper brain function. Complex carbohydrates provide the brain with a steady supply of glucose, which improves brain function. 

Freshly brewed tea also contains potent antioxidants, particularly catechines, and dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants, several natural stimulants that improve focus and concentration. However, moderation is essential.

We've all had days when we didn't feel "on our game." And as we get older, both our bodies and our brains get older. However, by making wise food choices, we can extend the life of our precious gray matter and improve brain function. Here are some clever options for keeping our minds sharp.

Blueberries have been shown in studies to protect the brain against stress, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Blueberry-rich diets have also been shown to improve both learning capacity and motor skills in studies.

Avocados, despite being classified as a "fatty fruit," contribute to healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure, lowering the risk of developing hypertension, which can lead to a stroke.

Salmon, a deep-water fish, is a wise freshwater fish choice. It's high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are necessary for proper brain function.

Nuts and seeds are high in vitamin E, a nutrient that your brain requires to maintain cognitive function. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower and sesame seeds, and cashews are all excellent choices.

Whole-grain breads, brown rice, and oatmeal also help to maintain a healthy brain by lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. The brain will thrive due to excellent oxygen and nutrient delivery through the bloodstream if a healthy heart and improved blood flow are promoted. Complex carbohydrates also provide the brain with a steady supply of glucose, which improves brain function. Simple carbohydrates, such as those found in junk food, should be avoided because they provide the brain with a short-term sugar high, followed by a crash that makes you feel hungry and tired.

Freshly brewed tea also contains potent antioxidants, particularly catechines, which promotes healthy blood flow. Because black tea contains caffeine, it is important to use it responsibly.

Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants, several natural stimulants that improve focus and concentration, and it promotes the production of endorphins, which helps improve mood. Again, moderation is essential.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Stress Relieving Superfoods

Stress-relieving superfoods can help to combat stress by providing the energy and nutrition needed to stay stress-free. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, sugar, and other stimulants and depressants, as well as high-fat milk, asparagus, almonds, and cottage cheese, are all excellent options for stress relief. Asparagus is high in folic acid and vitamin B, while red meat is a good dinner option for a stressed-out family due to its high levels of iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Almonds are also an excellent choice for stress relief, as they are high in magnesium, zinc, vitamins B2, C, and E, and unsaturated fats, all of which are powerful fighters against free radicals.

Some days, life just gets the best of us. Working too many hours, relocating your children for activities, caring for your household, or dealing with personal or family matters can all lead to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion. There are, however, simple steps you can take to combat stress, beginning with the foods you eat.

When life is particularly stressful, avoiding caffeine and alcohol is a good place to start. Stimulants and depressants like these can drain your energy and deprive you of the fuel you need to deal with stress. Sugary foods should also be avoided because they cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then drop rapidly, causing your energy levels to spike and drop at the same rate.

However, there are several superfoods available that provide your body with the energy and nutrition it requires to stay stress-free.

Asparagus, which is high in folic acid, can help you feel better. Folic acid and vitamin B are important in the production of serotonin, a chemical that makes you happy.

And, despite what we hear about red meat, it's actually a good dinner option for a stressed-out family. Beef's high levels of iron, zinc, and B vitamins not only help you get into a good mood, but also keep it there. Your butcher can assist you in selecting lean cuts for the healthiest options.

Milk is extremely beneficial to the body. It helps strengthen bones and promotes healthy cell regeneration because it is high in calcium, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins B2 and B12. Low-fat milk, paired with a healthy whole-grain cereal choice in the morning, is a great way to start your day and arm yourself to face the stressors that await you. Cottage cheese is another excellent dairy option, and when combined with a vitamin C-rich fruit, it aids the body in combating free radicals that proliferate during stressful times.

When it comes to stress relief, almonds are also an excellent choice. They're high in magnesium, zinc, vitamins B2, C, and E, and unsaturated fats, all of which are powerful fighters against free radicals, which have been linked to cancer and heart disease.

Smart Food Choices Can Flush the Fat

Fiber could be the "weight-loss supernutrient," according to experts. Eating more than your body requires will result in a gain, not a loss, on the scale. The following superfoods are smart, low-calorie choices that will help you lose weight. Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S. developed this low-carbohydrate, three-phase diet regimen. The plan's first phase, dubbed The Two-Week Fat Flush, lasts 14 days and is intended to kick-start weight loss.

Getting rid of the fat? The Fat Flush Plan, as strange as it may sound, can help you reshape your body while detoxifying your system. Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S. developed this low-carbohydrate, three-phase diet regimen.

The plan's first phase, dubbed The Two-Week Fat Flush, lasts 14 days and is intended to kick-start weight loss. Phase 2 is the Ongoing Fat Flush, and Phase 3 is the Lifestyle Eating Plan, which focuses on maintenance.

The Fat Flush Plan was created to boost metabolism, flush out bloat, and accelerate the fat burning process. The commitment to promote a balanced lifestyle and encourage simple healthy habits that appear to have fallen by the wayside in our modern and hectic daily lives is at the heart of the plan. Every aspect of the plan is geared toward achieving this goal, including beneficial essential fats, protein amounts, antioxidant-rich vegetables, moderate amounts of fruits, calorie-burning herbs and spices, cleansing diuretic beverages, exercise, journaling, and even sleep.

The Two-Week Fat Flush is based on a daily calorie intake of 1,100 to 1,200 and is intended to kickstart weight loss for dramatic results. It will change your shape by hastening fat loss in your body's favorite fat storage areas, such as your hips, thighs, and buttocks.

The Ongoing Fat Flush is the next step for those who need to lose more weight but also want to follow a more moderate cleansing program and enjoy a bit more variety in their food choices while losing weight. With approximately 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day, this portion of the program is designed for long-term weight loss. This is the phase you will be in until you achieve your desired weight or size.

The Lifestyle Eating Plan is your long-term weight-control program. This phase provides over 1,500 calories per day, providing a basic lifelong eating program designed to improve your vitality and well-being. You can include up to two dairy products and two additional healthy carbs. Phase 3 carbs include a wider range of starchier vegetables and nongluten hypoallergenic grains. Foods are always introduced one at a time to ensure that no allergic reactions occur and that your body tolerates the food well.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Superfoods for Extreme Weight Loss

Fiber could be the "weight-loss supernutrient," according to experts. Protein is becoming more scientifically accepted as a possible appetite suppressant. A low-calorie salad as a first course can help you feel full, allowing you to eat less of your main course. Water is your body's lifeblood, and you should drink it throughout the day. Whole grains, in general, help to increase fiber and nutritional value of your meal. Adding more whole grains to your diet is an easy way to eat a healthy, whole-grain breakfast or snack.

Fruits and vegetables, according to experts, are two basic categories of foods that can be considered "keeping it off superfoods" because they fill your tummy without packing on the calories. And what nutrient gives fruits and vegetables their'staying power?' Fiber. So, if fruits and vegetables are the "weight-loss superfood groups," fiber could be the "weight-loss supernutrient." Another supernutrient is protein. Protein is becoming more scientifically accepted as a possible appetite suppressant. Protein also has a long lasting effect and can slightly boost your metabolism. But it's critical that you choose your proteins wisely, because eating more than your body requires will result in a gain, not a loss, on the scale.

The following superfoods are smart, low-calorie choices that will help you lose weight:

- Green Tea Green tea catechins (beneficial phytochemicals) may cause weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and mildly decrease body fat, according to researchers. So enjoy a hot cup of green tea or a tall glass of iced tea.

Soup with broth or tomato - Soups can help you feel fuller and reduce your hunger before meals.

Green salads with few calories - A low-calorie salad - one that isn't loaded with croutons, high-fat dressings, and cheese - as a first course can help you feel full, allowing you to eat less of your main course. Choose your ingredients wisely, and its high fiber content can help you fight cravings later in the day.

Yogurt - Including dairy products as part of a healthy diet may help you lose weight. Because of its protein and carbohydrate content, light yogurt may help you combat hunger.

Beans - A great source of fiber and protein, beans keep you feeling fuller for longer, which may help you lose weight between meals.

Water is your body's lifeblood, and you should drink it throughout the day. You can get it by drinking unsweetened tea, flavored unsweetened mineral water, regular water with lime or lemon, or even in your cucumber. It can help you feel full while also flushing toxins from your body. So, the next time you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water before reaching for that snack.

Cereal with a high fiber content and whole grains - Whole grains, in general, help to increase the fiber and nutritional value of your meal. One of the simplest ways to add more whole grains to your diet is to eat a bowl of higher-fiber whole-grain cereal for breakfast or as a snack.

Getting Your Nutrition from Real Food is a Lifetime Habit

Many people believe that taking a multivitamin supplement to get their nutrients is just as good as eating whole foods. They are unaware that getting vitamins and minerals from natural foods and juices is far superior. Our bodies use vitamins and minerals from whole foods more effectively. And most people find it much easier to choose a variety of whole foods they enjoy eating rather than trying to make sense of the vast array of vitamin and mineral supplements available. And anyone who has taken a multivitamin or a mineral supplement knows that the taste leaves a lot to be desired.

Supplements are also difficult for our bodies to digest and utilize, making it difficult to get the full benefit of the vitamins and minerals they contain. Conversely, consuming a large amount of nutrient-dense food to obtain the equivalent means that the nutrients will be easier for the body to process and utilize, and will be less likely to be wasted. When we get nutrients from food instead of the 'one a day' approach, we are also processing them throughout the day.

Many supplements on the market today use fillers and binders to keep them together, as well as coatings on the tablets themselves. These are items that the body does not require and will not use. Some people develop allergies to the dyes and fillers found in vitamin pills. The fiber that binds fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, is used by the body. The "skin" of a vegetable, such as the potato, is often the most nutritious part. Furthermore, vitamin and mineral supplements can sometimes upset our stomachs, making them even more difficult to take the next day. Combining supplements, in many cases, can reduce their effectiveness and cause stomach upset when dealing with the taste and smell of some supplements. A variety of fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, enhance the flavor of a nutritious meal and their fiber aids digestion.

Eating fresh food is essential to a weight loss plan if you want to lose weight. In addition, eating fresh fruits and vegetables keeps hair, skin, and teeth looking and feeling good. And, come to think of it, fruits and vegetables are the original 'to go' foods. It's easy to grab an orange, apple, banana, or grapes, or toss a few vegetables together for a quick salad to take to work.

So, if you want well-balanced, healthy, and consistent nutrition, avoid the bottle. Go for the food!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Color Your Way to Better Health Every Day

Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and other substances that are beneficial to one's health. The majority of fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories while also being filling. Fruit-rich diets may lower the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

It is critical that we consume a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetable-rich diets may lower the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and other substances that are beneficial to one's health. The majority of fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories while also being filling.

The 5 A Day for Better Health program is probably familiar to you. It offers simple ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Every day, we must consume a wide variety of colorful orange/yellow, red, green, white, and blue/purple vegetables and fruit. You will benefit from the essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that each color group has to offer both alone and in combination if you eat vegetables and fruit from each color group.

There are several simple ways to begin incorporating vegetables and fruits into your favorite meals. You can start your day with 100% fruit or vegetable juice, top your cereal with bananas or strawberries, or have a salad for lunch and an apple for an afternoon snack. With a vegetable for dinner, you've already consumed about 5 cups of fruits and vegetables. You could also try a piece of fruit as a snack or an extra vegetable at dinner.

Don't be afraid to try something new to increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, there are numerous options. Kiwifruit, asparagus, and mango could be your new favorite fruits. Combine fruits and vegetables with different flavors and colors to keep things interesting, such as red grapes with pineapple chunks or cucumbers and red peppers.

Make it a habit to keep fruits and vegetables visible and easily accessible; you'll eat them more. Refrigerate cut and cleaned produce at eye level, or keep a large colorful bowl of fruit on the table.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure


It looks like anywhere you look, there`s a brand new tablet or remedy that will `right away therapy` your sickness, ailment or fitness issue. And at the same time as taking a tablet to therapy what ails you is probably handy and simple, perhaps it`s without a doubt time to take a seat down down and take a excellent, lengthy have a take a observe what you`re feeding your frame, or because it is probably, now no longer feeding your frame. 

Are you really giving your frame the vitamins it wishes to attend to itself? Most people discover while we check what we`ve been consuming that the selections we`ve been making withinside the call of convenience, simplicity, or saving time have really been unfavourable to our ordinary fitness – frame, thoughts and spirit.

Our contemporary-day day food regimen in large part includes immoderate intake of starch, sugar, fried and fatty meals. As a result, illnesses consisting of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer`s and a few cancers have become increasingly common.

Healthy meals and excellent nutrients cannot most effective assist preserve you fit, however deal with ailment as well. You might not even ought to visit a fitness meals store. You can buy them proper at your grocery store, or make a experience in your nearby farmer`s market. And in case you recognition on basing a healthy, well-balanced food regimen at the 14 “Superfoods,” the unfavourable results of those illnesses may be slowed, stopped or maybe reversed.

And while you nourish your frame bodily with those nutrient-dense meals, your intellectual capacities increase, and your religious well-being is stronger as well. In addition, considering that your religious fitness is optimal, it'll shine via to the outside, and those will observe you`re happy, calm, and that your strain ranges have reduced dramatically.

So search for methods to reduce the junk from your day by day consuming and update it with contributors of the Superfoods group. Your frame, thoughts and spirit will all be more healthy as an instantaneous result.

You Really Are What You Eat

Recent nutritional studies has exposed 14 distinctive nutrient-dense ingredients that again and again sell appropriate normal fitness. Coined “superfoods,” they generally tend to have fewer calories, better tiers of nutrients and minerals, and lots of disease-preventing antioxidants.

Beans (legumes), berries (in particular blueberries), broccoli, inexperienced tea, nuts (in particular walnuts), oranges, pumpkin, salmon. soy, spinach, tomatoes, turkey, entire grains and oats, and yogurt can all assist forestall or even opposite sicknesses inclusive of hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer`s, and a few kinds of cancer. 

And wherein one would possibly have an impact on a sure a part of the frame, it could additionally have an effect on the fitness of different frame capabilities and performance, for the reason that entire frame is connected. With those 14 ingredients because the base of a balanced, strong weight loss program, weight reduction gimmicks and different fly-by-night time packages can end up a element of the beyond for your life.

Conversely, the ill-consequences of an unbalanced weight loss program are numerous and varied. Low strength tiers, temper swings, worn-out all of the time, weight change, uncomfortable with frame are only some symptoms and symptoms that your weight loss program is unbalanced. An unbalanced weight loss program can purpose issues with preservation of frame tissues, boom and development, mind and apprehensive gadget function, in addition to issues with bone and muscle systems.

Symptoms of malnutrition encompass loss of strength, irritability, a weakened immune gadget main to common colds or allergies, and mineral depletion that may cause a whole lot of fitness worries which includes anemia.

And for the reason that frame is connected, understanding that an bad frame will bring about an bad spirit most effective makes sense. When we nourish our frame with those superfoods and supplement them with different nutrient-dense and wholesome clean ingredients, our spirit can be vitalized and wholesome as an immediate result.

Many current diets primarily based totally on prepackaged comfort ingredients are sorely missing in lots of nutrients and minerals, which could have an effect on our intellectual capacities as well, and purpose irritability, confusion, and the sensation of `being in a fog` all of the time.

Superfoods may be the idea of a sound, wholesome, nutritious strategy to curing lots of those illnesses and more.

Superfoods for a Longer Life

Superfoods for a Longer Life have been found to have anti-aging properties, such as sulforaphane, lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, and omeg...